Tuesday, April 05, 2005

What a Scumbag: Les Kinsolving:

Lester Kinsolving of WND:

With the unlikelihood that much of the Sodomy Lobby will follow Larry Kramer's poignant call, it is now time for mass hospital prison-camp quarantines for all those like this anonymous AIDS case, who has infected hundreds of other men.

Note: He's referring to the crystal meth addicted NY man who may have a "rare strain of HIV that is highly resistant to virtually all anti-retroviral drugs." This man may also have had unprotected sex with hundreds of men. But having unprotected sex with does not equate with "has infected hundreds of other men."


Marty said...

What, are you waiting on a pile of dead bodies to appear as "evidence"? Have you so soon forgotten Gaetan Dugas?

Marty said...

PS: I am not agreeing with Kinsolving that we should start quarantining, and am loathe (been burned too many times) to trust WND for anything anymore. I'm just questioning your knee-jerk denial that there is any problem until we have "proof" of a public health crisis. We've been down that road before, and the legacy of Dugas's bathhouse exploits is a mass grave a mile long and a mile wide.

Better a pile of bodies, than a new wave of sexual stigma, right Jon?

Jonathan Rowe said...

Of course we shouldn't wait until the dead bodies pile up; but we also ought not be too quick to jump to conclusions.


Marty said...

Yeah, well i don't read the Dish anyore for the same reasons i dont read WND. Agenda driven reactionaries, all of em. Can't trust half of what they say.

Marty said...

I am not neccesarily suggesting that Kinsolving is not also an agenda driven reactionary. I don't even know the man. ;)

Second, i'm advocating MORE caution here, not less. Thank God that we are far better equipped to deal with the next venereal superbug than we were for the last.

Anti-gay bias? Been there done that. I'm just commenting on a glimpse of Jonathans knee-jerk PRO-gay bias -- the same sort of thing that got us here in the first place, by treating the problem too lightly, and taking it too personally, the first time around.

I thought that was a lesson learned.

Marty said...

But please, don't make these false allegations. They aren't helping anything.

Sigh...Here we go again...

(and i hope like Hell i'm wrong and you're right)