Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Update on Interviews & Pat Buchanan -- anti-American values:

Interviews: Two down, one to go. I feel confident. But then again, these positions are uber-competitive.

And here, Pat Buchanan lets it be known that he has more in common, culturally, with those Islamofascist, than he does with modern America.

He writes:

But even John Kerry does not agree with George Bush on the morality of homosexual unions and stem-cell research. On such issues, conservative Americans have more in common with devout Muslims than with liberal Democrats.

Very telling. The reason why we are fighting this war is to defeat terrorism and to spread "democratic values" in the middle east (and the big question that I haven't fully resolved myself is whether those values, even though they are universally applicable, can be, or should be, spread at the point of a gun).

When Buchanan writes, "devout Muslims," I presume he means those Muslim men who would sequester their women, force them to wear burkahs, execute homosexuals, and put a "Fatwa" on the head of Salmon Rushdie (the Islamofascists).

Those "democratic values" that we are fighting to spread -- values implied in America's founding -- are, in many ways, antithetical to the religious right's worldview, just as they are to the worldview of the Islamofascists. Kudos to Buchanan for recognizing this.

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