Thursday, March 01, 2007

Christianists on Mormons:

I don't know enough about the intricacies of Mormonism to tell how much of this is truth how much distortion. I know I have many Mormon readers, perhaps a few can chime in. If Romney gets the GOP nomination, expect many more commentaries like the following:

Top 10 Amazing Facts of Mormonism

1. Mormons can become gods and goddesses.

2. Goddesses will spend eternity in full submission to their god-husband.

3. Mormon women will give birth “forever and ever” to spirit-babies.

4. Mormon men can have multiple wives in heaven—eternal polygamy.

5. Heavenly Father is an exalted man who lives with his goddess wife, Heavenly Mother, on a planet near the great star Kolob.

6. American Indians are descendants of the wicked Lamanites, who were Israelites that God cursed with dark skin.

7. God the Father had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus, who is the half brother of Lucifer.

8. All Christian churches are an abomination.

9. Mormons need 4 secret handshakes to get into the Celestial heaven.

10. Joseph Smith revealed that the actual Garden of Eden is in Jackson County, Missouri.

And so you see, 45% of Christians know what thousands of the media elite do not: Mormonism is not Christian.


Anonymous said...

I'll do my best to answer this question.

1. Mormons can become gods and goddesses.

*Half truth. Anyone can become a god or goddess if they accept Jesus Christ as their savior in the entirity of His gospel.

2. Goddesses will spend eternity in full submission to their god-husband.

*Half truth. Canonical scripture says nothing about it. There are comments by many church leaders but there are also comments by church leaders that say men will never walk on the moon. LDS doctrine, like many other denominations, has degrees of acceptance. Even most protestant faiths put different degrees of importance on certain books in the bible.

3. Mormon women will give birth “forever and ever” to spirit-babies.

*True. Except it is 'anyone who becomes a goddess'

4. Mormon men can have multiple wives in heaven—eternal polygamy.


5. Heavenly Father is an exalted man who lives with his goddess wife, Heavenly Mother, on a planet near the great star Kolob.

*True. Except He has more than one.

6. American Indians are descendants of the wicked Lamanites, who were Israelites that God cursed with dark skin.

*Half Truth. Only some American Indians are. General modern consensus is that most Native Americans are also descended from Asian and other influences.

7. God the Father had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus, who is the half brother of Lucifer.

*Half truth. God did physically conceive with Mary. Mormons do not believe that unlawful sex is an evil act. If God striking someone dead isn't murder, then God having Sex to conceive isn't wrong except in the eyes of those who have little to no understanding of the concept of Sex (ie humanity is only fallen and evil, not also divinely redeemed by Jesus Christ).

It is not known if Jesus is the half brother of Lucifer. He's probably full brother actually. "Half Brother" is not an acceptable term to the Lord, for we are all brothers and sisters, even if spiritually born from more than one mother (ergo...why we know nothing about Her.)

8. All Christian churches are an abomination.

*Half Truth. Mormons are Christian, therefore Mormons do not call themselves an abomination.

All churches that brings souls unto Christ are of Christ. All churches that don't, or exist for some other purpose (ie...Money) are indeed an abomination.

9. Mormons need 4 secret handshakes to get into the Celestial heaven.

*Sacred. Can't talk about it.

10. Joseph Smith revealed that the actual Garden of Eden is in Jackson County, Missouri.


Alma Allred said...

Many of Jill Martin Reiche's claims veer way into speculative concepts that couldn't pass the laugh test in a Mormon Sunday School class. I'd only partially agree with Jonathan's replies. #6 concedes too much -- since the Book of Mormon chronicles a limited geography and time (ending 1600 years ago). According to that book, the Lamanite curse disappeared at the beginning of the Christian era and the "Lamanites" are also descendants of righteous Nephites.