Guest Blogger at Positive Liberty:
I'm happy to see that we have a distinguished guest blogger at Positive Liberty who is an expert in, among other things, Native American history. My interest in Native Americans generally has to do with their involvement with our nation's Founding. In particular I'd like to know what she thinks of Native Americans worship of "The Great Spirit" and how did our Founders understand or misunderstand such? What about the Mormons' notion that Native Americans were lost tribes of Israel? And finally what does she think of the notion that multiculturalists gleaned from a few of Ben Franklin's words that America's Founders got their ideas for republican government from Native Americans?
Hmmm, and somehow I didn't make the cut.
Must be my lack of a Ph.D. Heheh.
Didn't know you were interested. We'll see what the future holds.
Just kidding. My function there is as a foil, I think, and they also serve who stand and kibbitz.
I was disappointed Tim closed the comments on men and ideas, tho. I was just brushing up on my Machiavelli.
Tim almost never opens comments. It's one of his idiosyncrasies.
I suppose all his questions are rhetorical then. Thx for the heads up.
Well. He prefers that people email him and if he so chooses he blogs responses to them.
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